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Smoking with childrens ficture

Forwards of previous articles titled Hey, Dont Start Smoking.. We discuss Back here..
I'am really concerned with the children in Indonesia.Children aged 4-11 from a proverty family are more exposed to secondhand smoking. I've decided to write this to encourage all my friends in Indonesia to be aware of the harmful effects of smoking. I would like to begin with the effect to baby in the smoking mother's womb.
Of course, all children are born by their unborn babies by letting in the poisonous chemicals of the cigarette in to the baby's blood and prevent it from getting nutriens from the mother by symptoms caused by smoking.
This could increase the dangers of getting misscarieage, infant death, and other cruel deaths. Then the soon, our generation will reduce and might get unhealthy. Kids smoke because they are influenced by their (friends).
They thought that it could loosen weight and made them look more like adults, As kids grew older, most of them will soon get influenced more by their peers than their parent and might soon rebel against them. They also want to be cool or do something hazardous. Furthermore, Kids smoke due to living in environmentwith smoking parents. how smoking Dealt with Childrens?
 Well, Smoking had been an economic problem to the world especially in my country Indonesia. Smoking Causes us variety of cancers and heart diseases. If you smoed,almost all of the human organs are effected. Estimation that there are about +/- 60 millions smokers in indonesia.

Nicotine will affect your brain and it is the first step towards drugs. Nicotine make tobacco addictive by causing pleasant feeling in your body. It's Just Like craving chocolate as your brain crave nicotine.. By the time you will get addicted and smoke more. If this habit continues, Death will occur,logically, Would you want to keep all these in your body?thats it.